Special offers on labour, special offers on spares, special offers on gear. A dog wont't let go of his bone easily, but we're different and we like to share things around - so check back here for details of some hot one-off deals. Or if you’d like to be kept abreast of things electronically why not follow us on Facebook (click the "like" link just over on the right...) or Twitter (there's a link on our Welcome page)? Alternatively, just send an email with the subject line “Special Offers” to: hello@slickdog.co.uk

One thing we’ll always do is give a discount for multiple bikes serviced at the same time and location. Book two or more machines in for a service and here’s how it works:
Two bikes: 10% discount on total labour charges
Three or four bikes: 10% discount on labour charges and 5% off parts prices
Five bikes: 15% discount on labour charges and 10% off parts prices

Club members deserve a deal!
Produce proof of membership of British Cycling and claim a 5% discount on labour. Members of Tunbridge Wells Harriers also receive a 10% discount on parts and accessories. Please note that discounts cannot be combined.